We hope you love these flower captions and that they help you show your flower personality. You can use any of the flower captions as flower Instagram captions or just to caption photos of flowers. We have flower Instagram Captions for gardeners, gardening enthusiasts, and anyone who likes flowers!
Best flower instagram captions

The best flower Instagram captions will take a second to think about.
- Life is short, but the flowers are so beautiful!
- The flower’s fragrance tells me of something hidden in its heart that only God could know and fill. – Vincent Van Gogh
- If you love something, set it free. It will always find its way back to you. – Maya Angelou
- When I walk with my flower child, we talk about everything and anything without worry or care in the world – John Lennon
- Let there be flowers everywhere!– Pablo Picasso
- Flower power is when flower people use flower power!-John Lennon
- I hope you’re not just a flower in someone’s garden because that would mean they’ve mistaken you for something more beautiful. – David Foster Wallace
- God is so big and powerful and flowery!
- Life is like a flower: it blossoms with sunshine
- Always be your flower self!
- I am a flower of life. Wherever this little flower blooms, the air is sweeter and the world more beautiful. – Louisa May Alcott
- The best flower Instagram captions will take a second to think about. Life is short, but the flowers are so beautiful! Always be your flower self! I am a flower of life. Wherever this little flower blooms, the air is sweeter and the world more beautiful.” – Louisa May Alcott
- “I am a flower of life. Wherever this little flower blooms, the air is sweeter and the world more beautiful.” – Louisa May Alcott
- Life is like a flower: it blossoms with sunshine
- Always be your flower self!
- The best flower Instagram captions will take a second to think about. Life is short, but the flowers are so beautiful!”Be who you were created to be and you’ll set the whole world on fire.”- Basquiat
- It’s easy being green… well until someone steps on me or I get thirsty;) The color of springtime never ends!!!- Anonymous Flower Power Girl (and boy!)
- “A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love.” – Max Muller
- The best flower Instagram captions will take a second to think about. Life is short, but the flowers are so beautiful!”Be who you were created to be and you’ll set the whole world on fire.”- Basquiat
- It’s easy being green… well until someone steps on me or I get thirsty;) The color of springtime never ends!!!- Anonymous Flower Power Girl (and boy!)
- Many people say that they’re happy with their life, even though it may not always seem like it because sometimes we just need time away from our day-to-day lives in order for us to appreciate what we have.
- I’m sure that flower Instagram captions with flowers can help make you appreciate the beauty of life.
- “I cannot live without my flower.” – Matsuo Bashō
- “The best flower Instagram captions will take a second to think about. Life is short, but the flowers are so beautiful!” Basquiat
- It’s easy being green… well until someone steps on me or I get thirsty;) The color of springtime never ends!!! Anonymous Flower Power Girl (and boy!)
- Many people say that they’re happy with their life, even though it may not always seem like it because sometimes we just need time away from our day-to-day lives in order to be able to appreciate the flower in our lives.
- “I had a flower named after me and I was very flattered. But I was not pleased to read the description in the catalog: ‘no good in a bed, but fine against a wall.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
- When you walk your flower path each day, remember that all flowers need fresh water daily! Anonymous Gardener
- “You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice” Flower Power Girl (and boy!)
- Don’t let the flower in your life wilt, be sure to give it some water.
- “I am not afraid of storms for I’m learning how to sail my ship” Flower Kitten
- “Blanketed by flowers is where you’ll find me.”
- “If someone offers you a flower and says their name, take care of that flower as if it were your own child”. Anonymous Gardener
- There’s no such thing as too many flower selfies!
- As long as there are daisies growing out from under our feet, we will always have hope. -Daisy Wanda Whitebread
Funny flower captions
- “I’m not in the flower business; I’m just an asshole who grows things.” – Dave Grohl
- “The flower that you see, can’t be unseen.” – Unknown
- One day we’ll all look back on this and laugh because of how hard it was to find a good flower caption for Instagram selfies.
- ‘Heard about your garden?’ Said no one ever! The Garden is blooming with contentment from within.
- “I’m flower obsessed”
- “You’re the flower to my garden, I’ll never let you go!”
- “#00FF00 it’s a green thing. You wouldn’t understand.”
- “Two peas in a pod (flower)”
- “The #WonderWoman of flowers.”
Flower captions puns
- flower me up
- like a flower in bloom
- grow your petals
- a flower blooms in the desert
- tulips are my favorite flower
- I’m blossoming like a flower.
- you make me so happy when you’re around, like flowers growing on sunny days.
- just wanna be your flower girl.
- there’s no time to waste, we need some floral arrangements before they all wilt away! (wedding)
- flower power is blooming!
- there’s no time to waste, we need some floral arrangements before they all wilt away! (wedding)
- tulips are my favorite flower
- follow the flower path and become your own goddess of nature.
- “I’m a wildflower with long stems that never bends.” -Miley Cyrus lyrics from “Wild Flower,”
- “You could be my flower girl!” -Bridesmaids
- flowers for your flower 🙂
- just wanna be your flower girl.
- you make me so happy when you’re around, like flowers growing on sunny days.
- follow the flower path and become your own goddess of nature! (wedding)
Instagram Captions for Flower Pics
- – “Look at the flower and not your feet.” ~Tradition Zen saying
- – “Can you believe it’s been an entire year?” ~~Photo by @detroitnaturelover
- – “It is impossible to tell whether this flower was created for beauty, or if beauty came from it.” ~~Henry David Thoreau
- – “I want a flower that doesn’t need me.” ~~Kurt Cobain – Nirvana singer/songwriter
- – A flower cannot bloom without sunshine, just as a man cannot live without dreams. – Nikos Kazantzakis
- ~What do you think about my favorite flower? What are yours? You don’t like them all!
- – “The flower is never more beautiful than when it’s about to bloom.” – Unknown
- – “A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, just as a man cannot live without hope.” ~~Nikos Kazantzakis
- – “I want a flower that doesn’t need me.” ~~Kurt Cobain – Nirvana singer/songwriter
- – “It is impossible to tell whether this flower was created for beauty, or if beauty came from it.” ~~Henry David Thoreau
- ~What do you think about my favorite flower? What are yours? You don’t like them all!
Instagram caption for flowers from boyfriend
- You’re the flower in my garden, I’m not sure how you bloomed but it’s beautiful.
- Don’t be fooled by this flowery profile; I have thorns and will stab you if given the opportunity.
- If flowers were a liquid instead of solid, they would taste like honey with a bit of tartness to them.
- Life is too short for plastic flowers – that doesn’t mean we should cut down live ones either!
- I’m too flowery to be a flower – but it’s worth it.
- Each day is like the beginning of spring, where new flowers bloom and grow until winter arrives when they die.
- You’ve got me feeling some type of way…can’t tell if I want to choke you or kiss you right now
- It was worth every second to watch your petals unfold before my eyes
- The fragrance always seems stronger when I’m near you
- I want to bury myself in these flowers; they smell so good!
- A garden can grow anywhere as long as there is love and care for the plants inside it. And we all have our own flower garden that we need to take care of.
- The flower was the first gift you gave me
- A flower is a living thing and it needs to be nurtured, cared for, loved just like anything else does!
- Every flower has its own way of blooming
- You were my favorite flower – I could always pick out your scent in any bouquet.
- I can’t believe how much this flower reminds me of you. It’s such an amazing coincidence that these two things would happen at the same time (although not really!)
- Watching all those flowers go by makes me think about what life might have been like if I had picked up one instead…would it still be as fragrant? Would they still be as beautiful?
- I love looking at flower arrangements and being reminded of how much you always loved flowers.
- You were the flower that brought out my natural beauty – I feel like there couldn’t have been a better flower for me than you!
These captions are perfect for anyone who likes flower pictures on Instagram! Flowers have always been associated with love and so these flower quotes will make your posts very romantic indeed, whether you’re single or not! The captions range from being short and sweet, long and poetic to sarcastic as well as giving an insight into what life would be like without flowers in them. There is something here for everyone no matter what flower-related Instagram post you are planning!
You start with a flower, but it doesn’t end there. You see the flower and think of how fragile life is, so fleeting. It’s like this flower could be gone in an instant if just one little thing changes – some water that wasn’t quite enough or too much sun or even a gust of wind from yesterday’s storm…